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Biased Bike...

Hey everyone... long time no see. I know, I didn't deliver. I apologize for that. If I told you I was actually busy working for a movie these last few months, would you buy it? Well you should coz that's a true story. A wonderful experience by the way. Anyway, I hope you're all doing good, coz spring is on the way. Yeah, the weather guy said so on the news... Last Friday was actually a preview of that early spring. It was all sunny and quite warm, that's why I put on my sneakers, my Ipod on and my way-too-long old blue sweat pants that I just love, and I went walking on the banks of the Seine. Yeah, you read well, I went walking, not jogging... Well actually I kinda ran for like 4 minutes, because of some joggers making me feel shameful I gotta say... Anyway, I just love walking, and I walk actually pretty fast -if you don't believe me just ask my friends. During those 11 miles -true story again- I took some pictures. But don't tell my Canon, I actually shot with my IPhone4, great quality FYI. I like that house overhanging the water. It looks like a movie set really. Not the kind of house you'll expect to see near Paris. Actually you could think that was taken in the US. I just loved the irony of that warning sign with the bike...

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