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From the bike to the bank...

I was on a bench on the Seine banks, enjoying this very first hot 'n sunny day of the year, when this cute sixty-something couple sat right next to me to relax. My mind bugged for a while because what you can't see here is that this -very elegant- man, looked exactly like Giorgio Armani! The same grey hair, the same smile and face shape, the same body figure...
Anyway, I liked how close and casual they were. But my favorite thing here is the man's awesome vintage helmet with the glasses on it, very Lawrence-of-Arabia like!

1 comment:

  1. J'A-D-O-R-E!!! La scène, l'ambiance, le noir et blanc, on est plongé 30-40 ans en arrière... Cette photo dégage beaucoup d'émotions variées... BRAVO!!!
