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Let's get back in shape for Spring!

Ok so, sorry for the silent week! I'm still working on the shooting series of YOU, but I wanted to share this awesome book with you. It's called "If someone offered you this book, well, take the hint!" Seriously love the title, plus I've decided to work out again so!
Anyway can you believe this book -which smells like old books (love this smell by the way)- was written in the 1940's! Check out the drawing and the comments. Ok so obviously I didn't find that book at la FNAC, nope, I found it in the most extraordinary and most amazing library in Paris: Shakespeare and Company. Though you won't probably see him, this library is still runned by a 90-year-old man, who used to be friend with Ernest Emingway, yep true story!
I was jaw breaking when I first entered the place: Thousands of books placed anywhere you can find space (on the stairs, up to the ceiling with beautiful wood beams...)
Upstairs is my favorite room: the one with the piano surrounded by all the books, there's a nice sofa you can sit on and read for hours, or at least for 10 minutes because it's so crowded people stare at you like "Jizz move your ass already!" But still that's definitely a place to visit even just for 5 minutes.
A tip for you ladies: forget the heels! I went there with heels and I tripped like 4 times, true story!
Also the place is often full of English and American people! They're very friendly and they don't all voted for Bush! (yeah I know a lot of French people still think Americans are all hamburger-and-gun lovers...)
Anyway if you're looking for the latest Dan Brown, or classic editions of J.D Salinger or F.Scott Fitzgerald... just push open the door of this library you won't regret it.
metro: St Michel, 37 rue de la Bûcherie.

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