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I wonder how the cavemen lived without knowing music...

Maybe it's the weather -pretty crappy for the summer-or I don't know, but lately I've felt like settling in my old brown leather sofa, a drink in the right hand, my mom's old-1964-Pioneer-stereo turntable near the other, and listening to some awesome old sound. Between the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, The Pink Floyd, The Who, and above all... Simon and Garfunkel! My Little Town, Cecilia, Bridge Over Troubled Water, El Condor Pasa and of course Mrs Robinson -from one hell of a great movie. But the first and only track that ever gave me intense goose bumps , as far as I can recall, is The Boxer. The last 1 minute and a half: simply Indescribable.

Are you cops retarded...

I know it's not funny to moke a kid because he's got some difficulties with maths. That's just mean. But I'm hoping the Police Department ain't hiring kids (well they're so desperate they might one day...) anyway, I really wished I could have given a 2nd-grade math course to that cop, or maybe given him glasses or just took his beer out of his hands coz in every places around the world, 8 is before 28. You can go check, true story.
I hate prejudices. You know like butchers are fat with red cheeks, History teachers can kill you with only just their breath or cops are dumb... they're just soooo mean. What? oh yeah and soooo true.


Souvenirs, souvenirs...

Hey everyone! Sorry for this looonng break but things have been pretty tough lately. So, you guys wanna know what a girl does on a Monday morning in the middle of summer after a whole Mad Men-season-3-night-long watching? I decided I would store some useless stuff down in my basement like a candle in the shape of a turtle -true story- a jewelery box that's too damn small to even contain a bracelet in and some pens that won't work anymore but you never know they might in 5 years... Anyway, as I loaded the things onto some shelves -next to some other million useless stuff- I made something drop on the floor of the room -next to my sauna by the way, yeah I feel like bragging today... I picked it up with, I gotta say some weird and funny emotions. I was brought back 16 years ago. 1994. Remember the time when us girls at school were wearing pants that were too damn short that, when sat, we could see our beautiful long Laura-Ingalls-looking white lace socks or was it only me? And when we would be so proud to reach level 7 of Mario Bross on our Game Boy or defeat the boss on the final level in Streets of Rage -please the youngest be respectful! WarCarft wasn't born in a day! Anyway... I was moved to hold the tape (K7 in French) of Ace of Base's 1993 Happy Nation! I used to listen to it like 10 times a day! Wonderful to learn English! Remember "A so the sa" for "I saw the sign", anyway no need to tell you'll have this song back in mind for a little while...

As I kept searching for other memorable stuff, I found some old school notebooks! Check out this page!

I was in 2nd grade (CE1 in French). Holly crap I used to write well, yep, so did all of us. That may have been my first post, as Internet wasn't yet in our homes, neither did computers!!! Yes I know I'm old. Anyway, as it was long til I got my first camera there's no picture here, but I guess the drawing will do. Oh and for the record: IP5 was a 1992 movie with Yves Montand and Olivier Martinez. I remember I loved it but you know the weirdest thing? I have absolutely no idea what it's about now!
Anyway, I am about to confess something very private, something people can be ashamed of, something you can probably get forced into rehab for!! I admit. I was barely 6 and already an addict. Actually ALL our generation was addicted to one small thing used everyday at school by thousands of kids. The Cléopâtre glue!! Remember the white and blue packaging!? The small plastic stick to help you put the glue?! but above all...remember the smell???? OMG. I could sniff that all day long, though I would probably have ended up in rehab... I was so pissed when they took it off the market! When I opened my pencil case it had been replaced by some regular sniffing UHU glue. My very first desillusion as I can recall. So yeah some glues smell ok, some pencils can get you somewhere even, but there will alaways be only one glue for me. Cléopatre.

Waoh that was a moving moment.
Here is a French grammar exercise. As you can see I did well, yep still bragging. What I like here is the French pride you can see through it. Renault won a Formula1 race, defeating Ferrari. And Sarko said our generation hasn't been given a we're-French-we're-so-proud! education... my ass.

I stayed for a little while in my basement rediscovering many things I had completely forgotten. Here is another great discovery... today that would probably worth like 250 euros or be displayed at Colette. A genuine 1969 Monita headphone radio! It belonged to my mom. No, she's not the girl on the box, though she probably wore stuff like that back then. It's still in good shape, the wires are still ok, I'm sure it would still work with batteries. I may take up this challenge. I may put on some cool looking 1970's clothes, roller skates and the headphone as I would skate along the Banks of the Seine. I'll keep you guys posted.

I hope this post made you think back to your early years as it did to me. And if someday you feel like storing things in the basement, the garage, your sister's room, anyway, anywhere you take your dump, well look around, sit down, take these old things you didn't throw away, drink a Tesseire Minth sirop, eat a BN and listen to Portishead's "Glory Box", Iam's"Je danse le MIA", Billy Ze Kick's"Mangez-moi", the Connelles'"74-75" or Blur's"Girls and Boys". You might just feel, well... old yeah I know but good too.