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Are you cops retarded...

I know it's not funny to moke a kid because he's got some difficulties with maths. That's just mean. But I'm hoping the Police Department ain't hiring kids (well they're so desperate they might one day...) anyway, I really wished I could have given a 2nd-grade math course to that cop, or maybe given him glasses or just took his beer out of his hands coz in every places around the world, 8 is before 28. You can go check, true story.
I hate prejudices. You know like butchers are fat with red cheeks, History teachers can kill you with only just their breath or cops are dumb... they're just soooo mean. What? oh yeah and soooo true.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour, je m'appelle Pierre Testard, j'ai fai connaissance de Yan Chagnon cette été et il ma dit que vous travailler dans la Photographie, et comme je recherche un employeur pour la rentrée, au plus vite.. pour préparer mon BTM photographe en 3 ans sur Paris.
    J'aurais voulu savoir est-ce que vous prenez des apprentis ?
    Où est-ce que vous connaissez des collègues ou des connaissances qui en prendrait ?
    Mon adresse est:

