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mmmm a boy or a girl ?

Ok so I just can't hold it anymore!!! I know sister you want me to just shut the **** up but I can't!! I'm gonna be an aunty for the third time !!!! So this post is for you J, a huge kiss coming from the deep desert of Utah! Love you and your soon-to-be-round belly...


  1. Great news!
    The little sister must be pleased!

  2. You bet that I am!! another sun in my life to spoil!
    By the way, I can't wait to be part of the cast in your next movie, I'm really honored, I have been working on the script lately. Even though I should work on my upcoming exams...

  3. Hey! Your enthusiasm is great, I'm glad!
    Anyhow, don't neglect your exams too much, coz now if you fail (but of course you won't) I'll feel guilty:)
    Concerning the title of your post, I bet 10 euros it will be a boy. Faites vos jeux...
