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A crime scene! A hardly parked rusted bike and a poor teady bear left all alone on the saddle... What happened? Did the mom of the little boy surprised him with brand new superheroe comics? or did the kid smell a new batch of hot chocolate cookies and ran to the kitchen?Wait, no. We're not in the 60's anymore. Anyways, on my way home in the evening, I walked past the house and noticed the bike and the stuffed bear were gone. Yeah That's what I think too... the bear was just freezing his ass off and got the hell out of there with the bike.
I can't really tell why I shot this picture, but I think it probably has a lot to do with the colors. I loved his light brown briefcase, as if it were also relaxing, sunbathing even. His used-looking brown velvet jacket, yeah, the same kinda jacket our History teachers used to wear.. And the total blue look of his shirt and jeans, right to... the socks...
She's only 6, but she already has quite a thing for style and fashion. I remember when I was her age, I used to put on my mom's heels too, it really made me feel like a little woman. M, my sweet heart, this post is for you. Stay as curious and cutie as you are and please, don't grow too fast.
I know what you might think..."a plant, yeah? so what..." well, let me tell you a little story about This plant... Once upon a drunken time, a girl turned 25 and a boy offered her this plant. She was excited -well the girl, not the plant, though...- anyway, she found this cute tiny little green marvel very nice in its hardstone designed pot. She thanked the guy -and did not forget the plant on a table at a gay bar, no no...- and then all the other friends around started telling things about the plant... It's a special plant, it is Carnivorous... sometimes you can hear it breath when you sleep, its leaves grow until they reach a prey, if you get too close to it, it might just eat your finger...or...well do nothing coz after all that's just a plant and you'd be a moron staring at a plant for hours.Ok, well that story may be a little arranged, but be kind, I've slept 3 hours last night.. So here is the shorter and much real story: awesome night, great 25 B-day!"The morning after...
I know I could never pull that off, but I thought this girl looked really cool in her red leggings, her grungy shoes, her small brown bag and with her hair falsely loose. I liked her body language and above all, her white rounded glasses on her lightly made-up face. I liked the echo of the red leggings on her red lips. Is she coming back from a late gig? Is she maybe going to a middle-of-the-day basement gig? Nope. She was just on her way to a family lunch...
Yesterday was a beautiful day over Paris. Heat, blue sky, summer outfits out again... I wandered from The Tuileries, to Saint-Michel, to Saint-Sulpice, my camera on the alert! I saw this cute couple on a bench in the Tuileries. They were so deeply into the chess game -well at least the guy- that they didn't even notice me though I was like 6 feet away. I love how focused the guy is, trying to find the perfect next move, while the girl relaxes a little, maybe thinking "ok honey, how long is it gonna take!" Or maybe she's just acting sexy to make her boyfriend troubled to win the game? Anyways, I like this shot, their body language and the girl's outfit made me think about some amazing drawings from illustrator Norman Rockwell.
I ran into old family pictures yesterday and I just couldn't stop looking at them. From my grandmother's wedding day at Saint Germain des Près, to my mom's first steps, my grand parents' first 1936-paid vacations or a simple 1948-sunday-afternoon out in the Luxembourg garden. I love what they emit, from the deep light of the pictures, to the very detail. I chose to show you that one -one of my favorite FYI- it's a simple work day at the bank for my grand father (second from the left). I just love the setting, the suits of the bankworkers, the look on their faces, the way their hair is perfectly combed, and the moustach even! I guess this picture was shot around 1935. 75 years later banks haven't really changed, have they? Well, except maybe for the small I-love-to-take-a-break-every-10-minutes sweaty guy at the reception...
Whether you use a pen, a keyboard or an old typing machine, the feeling's the same in writing: Freedom. Still sceptical? Here is a challenge I'm giving you today. Write a short post about something that happened to you today -it can be at work, with friends, just walking, whatever... trying to depict something that caught your attention. Send it to me and I'll post the best posts on the blog. Only one order: enjoy yourself.
Who said you had to choose between the city and the countryside...

Today was a pretty day, I rode for hours along the banks of the Seine. That's a great spot to jog, shoot pictures, and stare at the amazing castle-looking houses. On my trip I ran into two old black 1940-something citroen cars, you know, those you see in the old movies. That was quite a show. I also saw this 30-something guy bragging in his shiny-but-way-too-show-off SUV. But there's only one vehicle that took my breath away. On a corner of a street, I saw this old washed-out-looking van. You just don't know how the hell a van like this ended up here! I just can't help but imagine all the roads and adventures it must have seen in its life. I love the mix between the rust and the destroyed blue, the tinted windshield, kinda making me think of Spielberg's movie Duel.
Damn it now I can't think about anything else but bring that van into my garden, arrange the inside into a great place to crash on a leather sofa, a last-minute-fixed bar and remove the doors of the left side to have a nice open space to look at the sky at night while listening to some awesome music.