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Hit the road...

Today was a pretty day, I rode for hours along the banks of the Seine. That's a great spot to jog, shoot pictures, and stare at the amazing castle-looking houses. On my trip I ran into two old black 1940-something citroen cars, you know, those you see in the old movies. That was quite a show. I also saw this 30-something guy bragging in his shiny-but-way-too-show-off SUV. But there's only one vehicle that took my breath away. On a corner of a street, I saw this old washed-out-looking van. You just don't know how the hell a van like this ended up here! I just can't help but imagine all the roads and adventures it must have seen in its life. I love the mix between the rust and the destroyed blue, the tinted windshield, kinda making me think of Spielberg's movie Duel.
Damn it now I can't think about anything else but bring that van into my garden, arrange the inside into a great place to crash on a leather sofa, a last-minute-fixed bar and remove the doors of the left side to have a nice open space to look at the sky at night while listening to some awesome music.

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