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BabyChic, CrappyStrike and ChablisNight...

I'm so glad you're more and more visiting my blog on a regular basis... to be honest I thought that would actually piss many of you off :-) So thank you guys!
I was sitting my Oh-So-Adorable nephew and just look what he's wearing underneath... Only 19 month old and yet already so chic! I think that's the cutest baby boy underwear you can find! Petit Bateau, what else...!

Ok so yesterday I TRIED to catch a train to go to Paris -for those who ain't aware, there's a strike in Paris, well actually more like a routine kinda thing - and I saw that ad... I mean who the hell are they kidding ?

But I had a great evening... Thanks R, the Chablis in the snow at 00.00 was just...memorable

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