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I took this picture about a month ago, I was in the subway which was crowded like hell! Everyone looked so similar, so serious and focused, either on their Blackberry or listening to their IPod. Women were dressed up in dark suits, though pretty classy ones, with Black stilettos, while men were wearing black suits, black bags, black shoes, black watches... Don't get me wrong I love black, but when it's all too black, you feel like we're all pretty much, well, the same...
t one point I lifted my eyes up to see this amazing scene: A bunch of youngters also dressed in black were wearing shiny-colored sneakers! and a two-colored legging for the girl! See the colors, how strong they are, how unexpected they appear. I quickly took my camera out of my bag, I surely didn't want to miss that. Even though we all feel unconsciously that we should wear black as The pattern, here these people sent an unconscious message that deep inside, they've got something joyful, different and rebellious even, that they want to spread out!
know the funny part of the story?
The t
hree persons didn't even know each other, they didn't speak to each other and got off the train in different stations. I just kinda like when things are not set up, when it's just a genuine didn't-mean-to-be action that is happening and that you are lucky to see, or to shoot even ;-)

By the way: This picture wasn't photoshoped, It is exactly what was in front of me!

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