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Deep America...

On my way to Zion, UT. I stopped the car and walked back coz I just loved the scene. A beautiful shiny bike in front of this tiny wooden church. Everytime I look at this picture I keep wondering if the bike belonged to the priest...

I also took that picture in Utah. A tip for you: when you're on the road, never EVER close your eyes even just a second in this state! I turned my head to the right and just noticed these amazing colors: this electric blue sky, the undescribable yellow grass, the immensity of the space, this perfect windmill and this solitary buffalo.

Need gas? Woh I just loved this gas station. I remember it was like 101°F out there! I took that one in Arizona. Pretty cliché you might think... yeah well whatever, coz when it touches you, you just well, take the picture.


  1. Besoin d'évasion ?? Je visite le blog de ma sweet Mary et je suis servie :)
    J'ai hâte de te lire de nouveau.. et de voir davantage de pics ! <3

  2. Picture 3: Interesting. It almost looks like a Edward Hopper painting.

  3. Elles sont super belle tes photos! Je savais pas que tu avait ce talent caché! First Kiss in NYC... Je comprend ton kiff pour cette ville maintenant :-D
