I don't know if you remember your first kiss. It's pretty tough to remember I know. Was it with Tom at nursery school? Or Cedric in 1st grade... But whoever it was with, it was genuine, quick but soft. Here my sweet M just ran into his nanny's little girl L at the park. Just look at the little girl. Her expression. Her head a little turned to the right, so that they won't kiss directly. Her little smile, showing she's both shy and happy to see him again. As for M, how cute is he leaning like this, his hands in the back. Actually I'm just kidding with you, of course I remember my first kiss. If you do remember yours, just tell us on a post and I might tell you who it was with...
The first kiss...
I don't know if you remember your first kiss. It's pretty tough to remember I know. Was it with Tom at nursery school? Or Cedric in 1st grade... But whoever it was with, it was genuine, quick but soft. Here my sweet M just ran into his nanny's little girl L at the park. Just look at the little girl. Her expression. Her head a little turned to the right, so that they won't kiss directly. Her little smile, showing she's both shy and happy to see him again. As for M, how cute is he leaning like this, his hands in the back. Actually I'm just kidding with you, of course I remember my first kiss. If you do remember yours, just tell us on a post and I might tell you who it was with...
Mamie Renée

Parce que tu adores la langue française et parce que c'est toi, mamie je t'écris ce post en français. Tu luttes actuellement, mais je sais que tu es toujours là, car tu es une femme très forte et volontaire. Avec tout ce que tu as pu voir et vivre, je souhaite que tu trouve la sérénité, mais reste encore avec nous, attends de savoir si G attend un garçon ou une fille, attends de voir N se balader à quatre pattes, attends que M te ré explique qu'il faut manger 3 repas par jour pour avoir des forces, attends que M s'extasie pour son vrai premier noël. Renée Marie, car c'est ton prénom, redonne moi un éclat de rire, comme personne ne le fait, et resors moi tes expressions "Il est piqué celui là!" ou "Le chameau!" ou "Il nous barbe lui" et refais moi ta délicieuse salade de tomates de Marçon. Mamie, je sais que tu le sais, mais nous t'aimons tous.
On the road again...
I just love road trips in the US. It's always different. The lights are different. The people you meet are different. The photos are different. I love when you quit a town and head along the infinite road, leading you somewhere you don't know. I cherish these moments a lot. Even when your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere for hours... or when a cop makes you pull over and talks to you like you're a criminal. All my major life moments happened on these roads and cities. I don't believe everyone's unique love has to be a person. It can be a feeling, mixed emotions. To me it is and always be America.
The Paper boy...
I just love hanging at bars. Well sure for the cocktails, but even more for observing people. That's funny, I just hate when someone's looking at me, but I just can't help staring at them...
This boy -I'm not sure how old he was, he got that kind of face you simply can't put an age on! but he looked pretty young - was sitting next to me and my friend, and I loved his don't-give-a-damn-about-fashion look and behavior. He had these old, destroyed brown mocassins that you'd think he had just stolen them from his father. I also like how he wore his jeans, it reminded me of our school years' back-to-school pictures, you know when we were sitting at the front row -Yes, I'm too damn short that's why I was always in the front, nowhere to hide!- and we would wear those once-again-too-damn-short pants that revealed ugly socks... Anyway, I grabbed my camera as he walked across the street to pick up.... a newspaper! Yes, 2010 youngsters don't all have Ipods and Ipads, some still got a thing for, well, paper.
But so cool...
My mom drove one just like that, for 30 years. I just loved the sound of the engine, at the back - a Porsh one FYI. I remember also when the steering wheel would shake like crazy once reached 50 mph. I also remember how, now-realising-how-stupidly shameful I was, when she picked me up at school in front of all the other kids. What I would give now to see Celeste again...
Waking up in NY...
I worked in NY a couple of years ago. This was my bedroom's window. I would wake up, stay in bed another 10 or 15 minutes and finally violently rush out of bed because of the huge scary pigeons landing near my window. Then I would wait for my roomy's last-night bootycall Salvatore, David, or sometimes Greg, to finish using the bathroom, and introduce myself to avoid them an early heart attack. Quick shower, grab a baggel and get to work. My roomate was such a character. R is a 50-something-fashion-designer. He used to show at Bergdorf and Goodman, now, well, mostly in this living room. His place is just a mess, and that's probably what I like most there. There's fabric, sketches and threads everywhere. His fridge is always empty or contain some very-doutful eggs and cheese. He often took that strange pose to relieve his sciatic area because he sits almost 24/7 at his sweing table. And you know what? he knows it all! He taught me so many things... like "a hair dryer?! It's bad for the hair!" or, "A vaccum? nooo, but I have a broom!", "You should never eat fruits after 5.00 pm"... true story, this man is just unique. So this post is for him. R, can't wait to see you again, keep up scoring and oh yeah, please, please, don't even think about eating that weird brown thing in the fridge -which, I'm sure, is still there...
Hope is in the air...
Yesterday was a quick-but-great stay in Lausanne, Switzerland. I just couldn't miss the beautiful Hopper exhibition. But first things first... after 45 minutes stuck between two massive men on the plane, the first thing I had to visit was... the restrooms. Oops! sorry, the money exchange booth! Yeah, if you wanna pee there... don't ever forget to have 1 Franc in your pocket. Anyways, I finally got to the Hermitage Foundation and indulged in art staring for hours. From the simple-yet-awesome sketches to the wonderful paintings, here I got nostalgic about my dear America. He just managed to capture not only the landscapes, cities and people, but also the light that is so special to America. I just love what his work emits. From a dinner, to a road and a hotel room... he just managed to "shoot" what I like most about America: A strong simplicity full of emotions that funnily appeals to everyone, even to american detractors...
I finished the day wandering on the Leman Lac's banks, staring at the amazing Mont Blanc and mountain chains, drinking a nice swiss red wine.
Light the way it is...
I was walking in the streets of Firenze. Music and camera on, I suddenly realized I was completely lost... which is, by the way, the best way to discover a city. I was crossing the street and turned my face on the right. I don't need something extraornidary to catch my attention. What I like is the feeling, the atmosphere, the projection you can have thanks to a simple light. I had to capture this sublte light on the shutters and the tan-colored wall. Every once in a while, when it's rainy here in Paris, I like to look at this simple picture. It brings great memories and mood.
The pipeman...
Here is a funny, cool and amazing art collector. He's my dad's best friend. As far as I can recall, I've always seen him with a pipe... and a smile too. He's the one who taught me how to cheat playing card games at 6, and who taught me that boys are "des p'tits salauds"at 14.
His art gallery, near Saint Michel is worth dropping by. But the greatest place to see is his home. A privilege for me. A comfy apartment filled with beautiful-yet-sometimes-weird art. Whenever I go there, I discover another piece of art I didn't notice the previous time. "Is it a block of concrete in your bedroom?" ... yeah, ok, try a unique designed night table ; or there's this funny little drawing in the corridor, I've always enjoyed staring at... yeah, a Giacometti...
This home feels like a museum, a bit messy, but you know, sometimes messiness just fits. So C, this post is for you.
The two lovers...
I know, another bench scene! Well this time I won't describe it, I'll let you guys try to guess what the guy is doing on the left, coz seriously... I have no idea.
Oh and for the title, these guys were probably not gay, but I don't know, that could be possible right? I mean which friends would wear both the same kinda shirt on the same day, lying on a bench... love their attitude.
The night walker...
I could walk all night long with my camera on, whether I'm in New York, London, Firenze, San Francisco or Paris. I love how differently you can perceive the city, its architecture, its people, its smells, the scales are different also. That night, I was wandering near Notre-Dame and I just loved the light coming down on the pavements. I asked this beautiful woman to pose. I like the upshot, you know, the contrast of her black look, with the light subtly surrounding her.
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