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When I'm a man, I'll be a firefighter...

That station was right in front of my appartment in NY. No need to tell I just enjoyed every morning when I got out to go to work, with a charming "Hello Miss" shout from the other side of the street... Ok that may be a little cliché to like firefighters, but fuck it, they're brave, hot, hot and did I mention they're hot? D was a young recruit there. We got to talk a lot. He was from Kentucky, and new in the city. What's funny is that me, the French girl, eventually ended up becoming his guide in the City. I remember how excited he was everytime he talked about his job. "Last night I got to drive the fire engine!" "You should have seen that accident on Madison, that was... horribly awesome". Anyway, I liked that 83rd street with the nice firefighters, the hillarious Mexican laundromat guys, who had no idea I spoke Spanish and understood everything they said...
Back to the picture. I'm glad I got to shoot "Trouble", the Dalmatian, the station's dog. He was so sweet. I also like that little boy with his dad. While daddy's talking to the Chief, the kid is touching the huge red truck, we can feel how impressed and excited he is. So this post is for all the firefighters in the world. Great job, and well... great outfit...

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